Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

You can download sample TEX and PDF files of the abstract here Abstract Abstracts must be submitted in English only and in a single ZIP file in both PDF and TEX format. Also, abstracts should not exceed 3 pages. Each participant can be declared as the author of only one abstract.

To submit abstracts, you must first register and create an account on the site. You can then log in to the user panel and send us your thesis using the "Submit abstract" section. When sending the abstract, we ask you to write the authors' personal information in English.

If you have any difficulty in submitting abstract, you can contact us using the "Messages" section in the user panel.

Information about the acceptance of the abstract and the registration of your participation in the conference will appear in the "Submitted abstract" section of your user panel, and will be sent to the e-mail address of the "Corresponding author" selected during the submission of the abstract.

If the abstract is accepted, local participants must pay - 30 AZN, and foreign participants - 50 Euros. Masters and Doctoral students are free from registration fee.

If foreign students want to attend the conference, they must pay a registration fee of 50 Euros for the conference.


It is planned to include selected papers presented at the conference in the Scopus database.

For this, you are required to send an extended form of the thesis (3-5 pages) to [email protected] .

Example of paper

Papers (3-5 pages in length) should consist of the following sections:

• abstract (100-200 words)

• keywords (5-10 words and phrases)

• introduction

• statement of the problem

• main part

• conclusion

• acknowledgements (if necessary)

• references